Our Story
Fredrickson Farm is a small family owned farm located in North/East Texas. We moved away from the city and out to the country in 2000 and have never looked back. We now grow produce for ourselves and we normally have some extras to sell.
Chickens have been a part of our farm since close to the beginning. We have many breeds of chickens and normally have fresh eggs for sale. Our chickens are free to run our property and you can taste and see the difference in their eggs.
We also raise registered goats (Nigerian Dwarf, Mini Nubian, and Angora), and registered sheep (Painted Desert hair sheep and Finnsheep). We also have a few wool sheep of other breeds (Babydoll Southdown, Gotland, & Teeswater) that we keep to use their wool for fiber crafts.
We are hoping to build a grade A dairy and sell fresh dairy products in the future. We plan to have dairy products from our goats, sheep, and our Jersey cows in the future.